There are mainly two seasons in this city. The rainy season starts from May and lasts till late November. Downpour becomes heavy from June to August. However the showers are usually sudden and stay for a brief period. So even during the rainy season reappearance of Sun occurs fairly quickly. The average rainfall of the city is around 1,800 mm.
Temperature goes down a bit from December to April. This particular time period is considered as the dry season. The average temperature during the dry season stays around 28 degree Celsius. The temperature may rise upto 39 degree Celsius around noon during late April. However it may drop below 16 degree Celsius during the morning hours in late December.
July to November is the time for typhoons.
The average humidity of the Ho Chi Minh City is around 80 percent.
April is the hottest month of the city. On the other hand December is the coolest one.
However in general the climate of the city is hot and humid.